Establishing healthy eating habits from an early age lays the foundation for lifelong health and wellbeing. At My Little Angels, children enjoy a nutritious morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, all prepared daily at our child care and early education centre.
Meals are fresh, colourful and tasty enough to tempt even the fussiest of eaters, all while meeting Australian Dietary Guidelines and recommended requirements.
You can rest easy knowing your child’s nutrition needs are met at My Little Angels while being exposed to a variety of delicious tastes and interesting textures, which helps significantly in nurturing healthy eating habits.
Please ensure that you inform us of any special diets, food allergies or religious requirements your child may have so that we can cater accordingly. Parents will need to supply adequate certification or information from a qualified physician pertaining to a specific diet or allergies.
Weekly menus are displayed outside the kitchen. We welcome your input for different recipes or cultural meals. As much as possible, we attempt to cater for individual likes and dislikes, whilst incorporating multicultural tastes and diets.
You can rest easy knowing your child’s nutrition needs are met at My Little Angels while being exposed to a variety of delicious tastes and interesting textures, which helps significantly in nurturing healthy eating habits.